Enemy Level Range: 60–63
Naranja / Uva Academy
After you’ve defeated all five of the Team Star Bosses, you’ll need to return to the Naranja / Uva Academy. Although Cassiopeia will say they want to meet you after dark, don’t worry, you can actually visit at any time (the game will automatically set it to nighttime when necessary).
Go back to the Academy and head towards the gate. Waiting for you at the gate is none other than Clive, who removes his disguise and reveals himself to be Director Clavell. Without going into storyline details, I’ll just say that you’ll need to battle against Director Clavell at this point.
vs. Director Clavell

Dream Eater
Foul Play

Ice Shard
Wood Hammer
Aurora Veil

Shadow Ball
Sucker Punch
Shell Smash

Fire Blast
Sludge Bomb
Dark Pulse
Thunder Fang

Fire Blast
Sludge Bomb
Dark Pulse
Thunder Fang

Giga Drain

Giga Drain

Aqua Tail
Stone Edge

Aqua Tail
Stone Edge

Shadow Ball
Earth Power
Torch Song

Brick Break
Aerial Ace
Ice Spinner
Aqua Step

Thunder Punch
Shadow Claw
Play Rough
Flower Trick
Director Clavell will use a total of six Pokémon on his team. His first three are always the same, but his final three Pokémon depend on which you started with—he will always have a Grass-type (Amoonguss/Meowscarada), a Fire-type (Houndoom/Skeledirge), and a Water-type (Gyarados/Quaquaval), but which starter evolution he uses depends on yours, using the one that is strong against the one that you chose, so if you picked Sprigatito at the beginning of the game, he’ll use Amoonguss, Gyarados, and Skeledirge; if you picked Fuecoco, he’ll use Houndoom, Amoonguss, and Quaquaval; if you picked Quaxly, he’ll use Houndoom, Gyarados, and Meowscarada.
The order he sends out Pokémon varies depending on which he thinks will counter yours, although he will always save his starter evolution for last.

Oranguru is an annoying start, because it likes to use either Yawn or Reflect, which may force you to change your strategy. It doesn’t have a damaging Psychic-type move it can use if your Pokémon is awake, so try to switch out after being hit with Yawn, and prioritize using Special-based attackers to get around Reflect and Foul Play.
Abomasnow sets up snow with Snow Warning, which raises its Defense and also allows it to use Blizzard with perfect accuracy as well as use Aurora Veil to boost the whole team’s Defense and Sp. Def, so try your best to knock it out in one turn before it can pull it off.
His Polteageist can be a bit annoying with Shell Smash, but it doesn’t have many attacking moves, so if you use a Normal-type, you should be in good shape unless it is Girafarig, Farigiraf, or Indeedee, which are weak to Sucker Punch.
Houndoom is annoying and hits pretty hard, Amoonguss is annoying because it can affect you with status conditions and use Hex, while Gyarados is dangerous thanks to Aqua Tail, Crunch, Stone Edge, and Earthquake. Which two of those three he uses against you depends on his starter.
Whichever starter Pokémon he uses against you is going to be a threat, mostly due to its signature move, but it will also have very good stats and he will Terastallize it to match its primary type, so watch out! Skeledirge becomes very frightening if it raises its Sp. Atk too high with Torch Song; Quaquaval gets incredibly fast after using Aqua Step a few times; and Meowscarada will always get a critical hit with Flower Trick, which hurts. The fact that their elemental type also gets a boost when their HP falls below 1/3 is also worrying, so be careful! And again, since it will be Terastallized, you will not be able to target its secondary type for super effective damage and it will also cause it to do more damage with its signature move than usual.
After beating Director Clavell, some more plot will happen, and you’ll be ready to challenge the true Big Boss of Team Star, Cassiopeia. Make your way to the schoolyard from inside of the Naranja / Uva Academy and it will automatically turn to nighttime (you don’t have to wait).
vs. Cassiopeia
As you arrive at the schoolyard, you’ll be greeted by Cassiopeia in person, who is a character who should be familiar to you at this point. That’s right, it’s Penny! After explaining what drove them to do this, and after Clive appears and agrees to record the fight, you’ll face off against the Big Boss of Team Star!

Quick Attack
Dark Pulse
Baby-Doll Eyes

Hydro Pump
Aurora Beam
Quick Attack
Baby-Doll Eyes

Pin Missile
Quick Attack
Baby-Doll Eyes

Fire Spin
Quick Attack
Flare Blitz
Baby-Doll Eyes

Quick Attack
Leaf Blade
Baby-Doll Eyes

Quick Attack
Shadow Ball
Baby-Doll Eyes
All of her Pokémon are “Eeveelutions” and that means they are all pretty formidable to fight, plus they cover a lot of different types. Not only that, but all of them know both the moves Quick Attack to get in a quick hit when they need to as well as Baby-Doll Eyes, which lowers the target’s Attack by one stage. These moves both have higher priority, and she likes to use Baby-Doll Eyes a lot, though unless she uses it against one of your Physical-based attackers, it might wind up being a wasted turn, which is good for you.
Beyond that, there aren’t really too many surprises, as she’ll have a move matching the Pokémon’s type and then a complementary move for extra type coverage, although you’re usually fine just focusing on their primary type.
If you rely more on Physical-based attackers, switching out after getting hit by one or two Baby-Doll Eyes is a good idea, or you could just use a Guard Spec. item to prevent that for a few turns if it’s really causing you trouble.

Sylveon will Terastallize to Fairy Tera Type, which will boost the power of its Moonblast, so watch out as that can hit pretty hard, plus it has a lot of Sp. Def.
After beating her, you’ll receive a lot of backstory information, and you’ll unite her with Team Star again, effectively bringing the journey its end. Maybe they weren’t actually so bad all along, huh?
You’ll be taken back to your room and will then need to visit Director Clive’s office. When you do, Penny will appear, ready to receive her punishment. After some more discussion, you’ll be taken back to your room, and at that point you’ll need to leave the school altogether.
Make your way out of the Academy and head over to where you first met Penny, near the steps leading to the Academy in Mesagoza. Talk to her and, after a bit more discussion, she’ll give you TM169 Draco Meteor and then head off, back to the Academy. With that, you’ll have cleared Starfall Street!
If you haven’t already taken on the other two storyline arcs, you’ll need to do that before continuing.
However, if you’ve already done both of them, it’s now time to meet up with Arven and head to Area Zero.