Updates to the Scarlet & Violet Walkthrough

As time goes on, the Scarlet & Violet Walkthrough will gradually be updated. This page outlines the various major changes that have taken place in the walkthrough, so you can get an idea of when things have changed and what has changed.

Recent Changes

  • Mar. 3, 2023: Official launch of the Scarlet & Violet walkthrough, woohoo! Added support for breadcrumbs as well to make navigation easier.
  • Feb. 25, 2023: Soft-launch of the walkthrough. Not fully public yet, but at least available for testing. Covers the main storyline arcs and The Way Home.

To-Do List

The things listed below are things that are planned for the Scarlet & Violet Walkthrough but are not yet started or finished.

  • Include the postgame portion of the game (Gym Leader rematches, Academy Ace Tournament, etc.).
  • Include where to find the four Legendary Pokémon.
  • Include extras like the optional stuff at Naranja / Uva Academy to get useful items.
  • Show more items, strategies, etc. A lot of this involves a bit more research and routing.
  • Have more detailed area overviews showing important items and Pokémon in areas (the main walkthrough part is just for getting through the game with minimal distractions).
  • Need to research Titan and Starmobile moves, since these were not present in the data sources I used, and seem to be a bit inconsistent in cross-checking with other online sources. I will try to manually test these out to see what is going on.
  • Eventually add embedded videos for each page to provide an alternative to the written guide, for people that prefer watching videos.
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