Before You Begin

Four players with Pikachu, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly

Before you begin your adventure through the Paldea region, it’s a good idea to read a bit about how this walkthrough will help you. This section index provides a quick overview of the different pages to read that aren’t part of the main walkthrough, but rather serve as an introduction.


Just an introduction to the walkthrough along with a bit of the challenges of writing a walkthrough for an open-world game like Scarlet & Violet.

Walkthrough Updates

A list of updates that were made to the walkthrough, so you can see what things were fixed/updated and when. Also contains a to-do list for things that are planned but not yet implemented.

How to Use This Guide

A bit of an overview on how to best use this walkthrough to guide you through the game. Talks a bit about how different things are covered and how to navigate.

About Victory Road

An overview of the Victory Road storyline arc, along with the recommended order for taking on the Gyms in.

About Path of Legends

An overview of the Path of Legends storyline arc, along with the recommended order for taking on the Titans in.

About Starfall Street

An overview of the Starfall Street storyline arc, along with the recommended order for taking on the Team Star Bases in.

About Optional Areas

An explanation of how optional areas are covered in the walkthrough and where to find more information than what is in the main walkthrough.

Recommended Order

The recommended order for taking on all of the Gyms, Titans, and Team Star Bosses, based on their level and difficulty. If you don’t know which order to challenge things in, this is a good reference page.

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