Rolling Fields

You’ll find the Rolling Fields as the first meaningful location you’ll travel through in the Wild Area.


Overworld Encounters

Below are all of the encounters you’ll find visible in the overworld in the Rolling Fields. They are grouped together by weather condition, as the available Pokémon will vary based on weather condition.

Overworld Encounters in Rolling Fields
Weather: Normal
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Combee Combee BugFlying 7–10 60%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%
Weather: Overcast
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 60%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 28%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Ralts Ralts PsychicFairy 7–10 2%
Weather: Raining
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Wingull Wingull WaterFlying 7–10 60%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%
Weather: Thunderstorm
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Electrike Electrike Electric 7–10 60%
Wingull Wingull WaterFlying 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%
Weather: Intense Sun
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Vulpix Vulpix Fire 7–10 Sw: 60%
Growlithe Growlithe Fire 7–10 Sh: 60%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%
Weather: Snowing
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Vanillite Vanillite Ice 7–10 60%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%
Weather: Snowstorm (After Hammerlocke)
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Delibird Delibird IceFlying 7–10 60%
Vanillite Vanillite Ice 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%
Weather: Sandstorm (After Hammerlocke)
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Baltoy Baltoy GroundPsychic 7–10 60%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%
Weather: Heavy Fog (Post-Game)
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Ralts Ralts PsychicFairy 7–10 60%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 25%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 10%
Tyrogue Tyrogue Fighting 7–10 5%

Random Encounters

Below are all of the encounters you’ll find in random encounters in shaking grass in the Rolling Fields. They are grouped together by weather condition, as the available Pokémon will vary based on weather condition.

Random Encounters in Rolling Fields
Weather: Normal
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 40%
Minccino Minccino Normal 7–10 35%
Bounsweet Bounsweet Grass 7–10 20%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 5%
Weather: Overcast
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Oddish Oddish GrassPoison 7–10 40%
Budew Budew GrassPoison 7–10 35%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 20%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 5%
Weather: Raining
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Nuzleaf Nuzleaf GrassDark 7–10 Sw: 40%
Lotad Lotad WaterGrass 7–10 Sh: 40%
Wingull Wingull WaterFlying 7–10 35%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 20%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 5%
Weather: Thunderstorm
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Joltik Joltik BugElectric 7–10 40%
Electrike Electrike Electric 7–10 35%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 20%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 5%
Weather: Intense Sun
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Baltoy Baltoy GroundPsychic 7–10 40%
Mudbray Mudbray Ground 7–10 35%
Vulpix Vulpix Fire 7–10 Sw: 20%
Growlithe Growlithe Fire 7–10 Sh: 20%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 5%
Weather: Snowing
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Vanillite Vanillite Ice 7–10 40%
Swinub Swinub IceGround 7–10 35%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 20%
Minccino Minccino Normal 7–10 5%
Weather: Snowstorm (After Hammerlocke)
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Swinub Swinub IceGround 7–10 40%
Delibird Delibird IceFlying 7–10 35%
Snorunt Snorunt Ice 7–10 20%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 5%
Weather: Sandstorm (After Hammerlocke)
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Dwebble Dwebble BugRock 7–10 40%
Baltoy Baltoy GroundPsychic 7–10 35%
Golett Golett GroundGhost 7–10 20%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 5%
Weather: Heavy Fog (Post-Game)
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Munna Munna Psychic 7–10 40%
Natu Natu PsychicFlying 7–10 35%
Bunnelby Bunnelby Normal 7–10 20%
Metapod Metapod Bug 7–10 5%

Shaking Berry Trees

The following Pokémon may appear while shaking Berry Trees.

Shaking Trees in Rolling Fields
Shaking Trees
Pokémon Types Level Rarity
Skwovet Skwovet Normal 7–10 80%
Cherubi Cherubi Grass 7–10 20%

Pokémon Dens

Information on Pokémon Dens for Max Raid Battles and wild Dynamax Pokémon will be added in the near future. Thanks for your patience!


Static Items

  • TM84 Tail Slap can be found in the southwestern edge, near a Pokémon Den that is set back a bit into the cliffs. It’s inside of a fallen log and may be difficult to see from a distance.
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