The 7-star Cinderace the Unrivaled event has returned for its second run, giving you another chance to take down this fearsome Fighting-type Cinderace. You’ll have until January 15, 2023 at 3:59pm PST / 6:59pm EST (23:59 UTC) to take it down!
The 7-star Cinderace the Unrivaled event has returned for its second run, giving you another chance to take down this fearsome Fighting-type Cinderace. You’ll have until January 15, 2023 at 3:59pm PST / 6:59pm EST (23:59 UTC) to take it down!
Until January 1, 2023 at 3:59pm PST / 6:59pm (23:59 UTC), you can fight against a very powerful 7-star Cinderace in Tera Raid Battles. It has a Fighting Tera Type and loves to spam Bulk Up. Have fun!
Two new Tera Raid Battle Events have been announced! The first features Delibird with extra Tera Shards as rewards (starts this weekend), while the second is a special 7-star Cinderace with the Mightiest Mark and a Fighting Tera Type (starts next weekend).
The first set in the Pokémon Sword & Shield series of the Pokémon TCG is set to be released on February 7, 2020, and Prerelease tournaments are going on from January 25, 2020 through February 3, 2020, so there’s still a chance to get some of the new cards early if you go to one […]
The Pokémon Company International has posted a new video to YouTube today, nearly two weeks after the launch of Pokémon Sword & Shield, showcasing the evolutions of each of the starter Pokémon. They’ve also released the official artwork of these evolutions. The video above contains details on Zacian and Zamazenta as well, including their types […]