January’s Pokémon Direct revealed a TON of information on the Pokémon Sword & Shield Expansion Pass, including new Pokémon, Gigantamax Forms, and Returning Pokémon!
News and updates about Pokémon Sword & Shield, the first Generation VIII Pokémon games for the Nintendo Switch. Keep in mind that this is mostly kept around for archival purposes, as new news is not likely to occur for these games.
January’s Pokémon Direct revealed a TON of information on the Pokémon Sword & Shield Expansion Pass, including new Pokémon, Gigantamax Forms, and Returning Pokémon!
The Pokémon Company International has posted a new video to YouTube today, nearly two weeks after the launch of Pokémon Sword & Shield, showcasing the evolutions of each of the starter Pokémon. They’ve also released the official artwork of these evolutions. The video above contains details on Zacian and Zamazenta as well, including their types […]
The Pokémon Company International revealed some more information on Pokémon Sword & Shield today, and one bit of information is increased chances of encountering Gigantamax Snorlax in Max Raid Battles starting December 4, 2019 and lasting through early January, 2020. Gigantamax Snorlax has an exclusive G-Max Move, G-Max Replenish, which does a lot of damage […]
It’s finally time — time for Pokémon Sword & Shield! Throughout the past 18 hours, the games have been launching throughout the world, but now both Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield have launched worldwide, finally now available in North America as midnight EST rolls along. To help through your adventure in the Galar region, the […]
A new official trailer for Pokémon Sword & Shield has been revealed today and it showcases a lot of new quality-of-life upgrades for gameplay, especially the process of raising competitive Pokémon for battle. Additionally, there’s an increased chance of finding Gigantamax Butterfree in Max Raid Battles from November 15, 2019 through early January 2020, and […]
New Gigantamax Pokémon revealed include a BIG OLD SCHOOL PIKACHU, a VERY LONG CAT Meowth, Charizard, Butterfree, and an Eevee! Very big!
New Farfetch’d evolution, Sirfetch’d, has been revealed and is to be a Pokémon Sword version exclusive.
Today’s Nintendo Direct reveals two new Pokémon — Cramorant and Polteageist — along with Customization, Pokémon Camp and making… curry? Yes, curry!
More information about Pokémon Sword & Shield was announced today at the Pokémon World Championships. While no new Pokémon were unveiled, several new Abilities and items were, along with more details about Dynamax Pokémon‘s Max Moves causing very beneficial effects. There’s also a special Battle Stadium for player-vs-player battles along with a ranked mode.