Pokémon GO’s Eggstravaganza event brings Shiny Buneary, more Baby Pokémon in Eggs, and more bonuses from April 16–23.
Pokémon GO’s Eggstravaganza event brings Shiny Buneary, more Baby Pokémon in Eggs, and more bonuses from April 16–23.
The legendary Latios will be available in Raid Battles in a Special Raid Week that lasts from Monday, April 15, 2019 through Monday, April 22, 2019. Additionally, there is a chance that Latios may be Shiny while attempting to catch it. Specifically, it will start appearing at 1pm PDT (GMT-7) on April 15 and will […]
Legendary Lunch Hour returns in Pokémon GO for a second helping, this time serving up Origin Forme Giratina raids on April 10 from 12pm–1pm local time.
Pokémon GO Fest 2019 has been announced today and it has been revealed that there will be three locations this year across the world: one in Chicago, IL, USA; one in Dortmund, Germany; and one in the Asia-Pacific region that has yet to be announced.
This Saturday, March 30, from 11am–8pm in your local time zone, there’s a special Limited Research event featuring Lotad. Additionally, Shiny Lotad and Shiny Castform will be available during this time.
Pokémon GO is bringing the bugs with the Bug Out event from April 2–9, granting more Bug-type Pokémon and more effective Incense usage.
Bagon to be featured in April 13’s Pokémon GO Community Day, learning a previously unavailable move and granting other bonuses for the event.
Pokémon GO Community Day features Treecko this weekend, runs from 3:00pm–6:00pm local time on March 23.
Pokémon GO to feature Grass-type Pokémon for the March Equinox, as well as flip Solrock and Lunatone’s location.