Pokémon TCG: Detective Pikachu Mewtwo-GX Case File Review

Category: Product Reviews
Posted by Marriland

(Disclaimer: the product in this review was provided to Marriland.com free of charge by Pokémon.)

The Pokémon TCG: Detective Pikachu Mewtwo-GX Case File (US$19.99) is another item in the Detective Pikachu series of Pokémon TCG products and it features none other than the Genetic Pokémon Mewtwo.

Detective Pikachu Mewtwo-GX Case File with a jumbo Mewtwo-GX card

As with the other Case Files, the Mewtwo-GX Case File contains special Detective Pikachu booster packs that aren’t generally available for retail purchase. This one in particular contains a total of four Detective Pikachu booster packs in addition to two Sun & Moon series booster packs (not specifically the Sun & Moon set, but booster packs from that series — the Case File I received had one Sun & Moon—Burning Shadows and one Sun & Moon base set).

Inside of the Mewtwo-GX Case File
A look at the Mewtwo-GX Case File from the inside. It flips open to reveal the jumbo promo card as well as the normal-sized version.

The Mewtwo-GX Case File also contains a special promo card, SM196 Mewtwo-GX, as well as a special jumbo oversized version of the promo card. This Mewtwo-GX has Telekinesis to hit an opponent’s Pokémon even on the bench; it has Reigning Pulse for damage and instant confusion, but it’s rather expensive; and its GX attack, Psychic Nova GX, effectively gives it a damage shield for the next turn while also doing heavy damage.

The Charizard-GX Case File (US$19.99) is priced similarly and contains the same contents as the Mewtwo-GX Case File, except it comes with a Charizard-GX promo card and jumbo oversized card instead of the Mewtwo-GX one. That may be another option if you’re looking for a different option in that same price point.

You can see more of the Detective Pikachu TCG set cards in this earlier post, and you can see more Detective Pikachu products and information in the site’s Detective Pikachu tag.

Be sure to stick around for two more reviews of Detective Pikachu Case Files that will go live on the site and YouTube later this week.

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