The Pokémon GO Eggstravaganza event from last year is returning, and this time around it’s featuring a very fitting Pokémon: Buneary, including Shiny Buneary. The Eggstravaganza lasts from Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 1:00pm PDT (GMT-7) through Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 1:00pm PDT (GMT-7).
Here’s a list of some of the bonuses and features of the event:
- Buneary will be a lot more common and can be Shiny.
- Baby Pokémon such as Pichu, Smoochum, and Magby can be in 2km Eggs.
- Different Pokémon may appear in Eggs than before.
- 2× the Candy from hatching Pokémon.
- Incubators are twice as effective as usual, hatching Eggs twice as fast.
- Lucky Eggs last twice as long as usual.
- Limited-time Egg-focused Research is available throughout the event.