Galarian Zigzagoon
Category: Tiny Raccoon Pokémon
Type: Dark/Normal
Height: 1’4″
Weight: 38.6 lbs.
Ability: Pickup/Gluttony
Galarian Zigzagoon is a form of Zigzagoon exclusive to the Galar region. It was first revealed on August 7, 2019. It is a Dark/Normal-type Pokémon and has the same abilities as normal Zigzagoon do: Pickup and Gluttony.
Galarian Zigzagoon’s Evolution Line
Galarian Zigzagoon evolves into Galarian Linoone at level 20. After that, it can then further evolve into the new Pokémon, Obstagoon, at level 35 at nighttime.
More Information About Galarian Zigzagoon
Galarian Zigzagoon are known to be the oldest branch of the Zigzagoon species and its zigzagging nature is speculated to have been from its behavior in Galar. It is very restless and charges at people and Pokémon to provoke a fight, although people tend to think that behavior is just it being playful.
You can find out even more information on Galarian Zigzagoon over on the site’s Pokémon Sword & Shield Pokédex page for Galarian Zigzagoon:
Screenshots of Galarian Zigzagoon
Below are several assorted screenshots of Galarian Zigzagoon that have been revealed in trailers or official press shots.