Here is a list of all of the new Pokémon that are in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. There are a total of 105 new Pokémon included in the games, and 4 new forms of existing Pokémon. Of these, there are also several evolutions of existing Pokémon.
A full, detailed Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Pokédex will be coming to the Marriland website over the coming weeks, but in the meanwhile, this page should help give you an idea of what the new Pokémon are and a little bit about them. You can also click any of the icons to see it zoomed in a bit larger.
Starter Pokémon
The following Pokémon are the starter Pokémon (also known as “first partner Pokémon”) for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet.

Type: Water
Ability: Torrent
For a better look at the starter Pokémon, as well as their evolution lines, please check out the Scarlet & Violet Starter Pokémon page, as these Pokémon are contained there and it goes into a bit more depth.
New Pokémon
Lechonk and Oinkologne
Type: Normal
Ability: Aroma Veil / Gluttony
Hidden Ability: Thick Fat
Base Stats:
- HP: 54
- Attack: 45
- Defense: 40
- Sp. Atk: 35
- Sp. Def: 45
- Speed: 35
Evolves at level 18 to Oinkologne.
Oinkologne (Male)
Type: Normal
Ability: Lingering Aroma / Gluttony
Hidden Ability: Thick Fat
Base Stats:
- HP: 110
- Attack: 100
- Defense: 75
- Sp. Atk: 59
- Sp. Def: 80
- Speed: 65
Only male Oinkologne have the new Ability, Lingering Aroma, which is similar to Mummy where any Pokémon that attacks it gets its Ability replaced with Lingering Aroma.
Tarountula and Spidops
Type: Bug
Ability: Insomnia
Hidden Ability: Stakeout
Base Stats:
- HP: 35
- Attack: 41
- Defense: 45
- Sp. Atk: 29
- Sp. Def: 40
- Speed: 20
Evolves at level 15 to Spidops.
Spidops gets the new move, Silk Trap, when it evolves. Silk Trap is like Protect, except if the attacker makes contact and the move is blocked, it lowers the attacker’s Speed stat.
Nymble and Lokix
Type: Bug
Ability: Swarm
Hidden Ability: Tinted Lens
Base Stats:
- HP: 33
- Attack: 46
- Defense: 40
- Sp. Atk: 21
- Sp. Def: 25
- Speed: 45
Evolves at level 24 to Lokix.
Pawmi, Pawmo, and Pawmot
Type: Electric
Ability: Static / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Iron Fist
Base Stats:
- HP: 45
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 20
- Sp. Atk: 40
- Sp. Def: 25
- Speed: 60
Evolves at level 18 to Pawmo.
Type: Electric / Fighting
Ability: Volt Absorb / Natural Cure
Hidden Ability: Iron Fist
Base Stats:
- HP: 60
- Attack: 75
- Defense: 40
- Sp. Atk: 50
- Sp. Def: 40
- Speed: 85
Evolves after gaining a level and walking 1,000 steps in Let’s Go mode.
While evolving Pawmi into Pawmo is pretty straightforward, evolving Pawmo into Pawmot can be rather frustrating if you don’t know what to do. How do you evolve Pawmo into Pawmot? You need to send your Pawmo out in Let’s Go mode! You can do this by pressing ZR and you’ll want to make sure that your Pawmo is following behind you.
Then, you’ll need to take 1,000 steps in Let’s Go mode with your Pawmo and then have it gain a level (excluding the auto-battle mode—Rare Candies or Exp. Candies are fine!).
However, sometimes it seems like this counter resets for some reason, and you might wind up like I did and have your Pawmo follow you around hoping that it will evolve, but it never does. That’s unfortunate! The best way to evolve Pawmo is to just run around in circles for a few minutes with it sent out in Let’s Go mode! Just take a quick 3–5 minute jog in circles in a town or somewhere, without getting into any battles (just in case), and then have it gain a level. That should result in it evolving; otherwise, just repeat the process and try again and it eventually will evolve.
Tandemaus and Maushold
Type: Normal
Ability: Run Away / Pickup
Hidden Ability: Own Tempo
Base Stats:
- HP: 50
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 45
- Sp. Atk: 40
- Sp. Def: 45
- Speed: 70
Maushold (Family of Three)
Type: Normal
Ability: Friend Guard / Cheek Pouch
Hidden Ability: Technician
Base Stats:
- HP: 74
- Attack: 75
- Defense: 70
- Sp. Atk: 65
- Sp. Def: 75
- Speed: 111
Tandemaus evolves into Maushold after reaching level 25, but instead of evolving immediately, it will randomly evolve while it is in your party or in the PC. It will become either the Family of Three form or, less commonly, the Family of Four form. These two forms are identical stat-wise and with their Abilities.
Tandemaus and Maushold have a new move called Population Bomb, which hits 1 to 10 times in a row in a single attack. This can be powered up with a new item, the Loaded Dice, which increases the chance of multi-hit moves hitting more.
Fidough and Dachsbun
Type: Fairy
Ability: Own Tempo
Hidden Ability: Klutz
Base Stats:
- HP: 37
- Attack: 55
- Defense: 70
- Sp. Atk: 30
- Sp. Def: 55
- Speed: 65
Evolves at level 26 to Dachsbun.
Dachsbun gets the new Ability, Well-Baked Body, which prevents it from taking any Fire-type damage or being affected by Fire-type moves, and it raises its Defense by two stages whenever it is hit by one.
Smoliv, Dolliv, and Arboliva
Type: Grass / Normal
Ability: Early Bird
Hidden Ability: Harvest
Base Stats:
- HP: 41
- Attack: 35
- Defense: 45
- Sp. Atk: 58
- Sp. Def: 51
- Speed: 30
Evolves at level 25 to Dolliv.
Type: Grass / Normal
Ability: Early Bird
Hidden Ability: Harvest
Base Stats:
- HP: 52
- Attack: 53
- Defense: 60
- Sp. Atk: 78
- Sp. Def: 78
- Speed: 33
Evolves at level 35 to Arboliva.
Arboliva gets a new Ability, Seed Sower, which activates Grassy Terrain whenever it is hit by an attack.
Type: Normal / Flying
Ability: Intimidate / Hustle
Hidden Ability: Guts
Base Stats:
- HP: 82
- Attack: 96
- Defense: 51
- Sp. Atk: 45
- Sp. Def: 51
- Speed: 92
Squawkabilly comes in four different colors—green, blue, yellow, and white. Different colors can be found in different areas, although these are purely cosmetic and do not affect Squawkabilly’s stats or moves.
Nacli, Naclstack, and Garganacl
Type: Rock
Ability: Purifying Salt / Sturdy
Hidden Ability: Clear Body
Base Stats:
- HP: 55
- Attack: 55
- Defense: 75
- Sp. Atk: 35
- Sp. Def: 35
- Speed: 25
Evolves at level 24 to Naclstack.
Type: Rock
Ability: Purifying Salt / Sturdy
Hidden Ability: Clear Body
Base Stats:
- HP: 60
- Attack: 60
- Defense: 100
- Sp. Atk: 35
- Sp. Def: 65
- Speed: 35
Evolves at level 38 to Garganacl.
The whole evolution lines gets a new Ability, Purifying Salt, which reduces the damage taken by Ghost-type moves and also prevents the Pokémon from receiving any status conditions.
Charcadet, Armarouge, and Ceruledge
Type: Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Hidden Ability: Flame Body
Base Stats:
- HP: 40
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 40
- Sp. Atk: 50
- Sp. Def: 40
- Speed: 35
Type: Fire / Psychic
Ability: Flash Fire
Hidden Ability: Weak Armor
Base Stats:
- HP: 85
- Attack: 60
- Defense: 100
- Sp. Atk: 125
- Sp. Def: 80
- Speed: 75
Evolves from Charcadet by using an Auspicious Armor (Scarlet-exclusive item).
Although Charcadet is available in in the wild in either version, the items necessary to evolve it are version exclusive. The Auspicious Armor evolves it into Armarouge while the Malicious Armor evolves it into Ceruledge. These can be obtained in Zapapico by trading 10 Sinistea Chips (dropped from Sinistea, which can be found in the surrounding area), and this trade can be done any number of times.
Tadbulb and Bellibolt
Type: Electric
Ability: Own Tempo / Static
Hidden Ability: Damp
Base Stats:
- HP: 61
- Attack: 31
- Defense: 41
- Sp. Atk: 59
- Sp. Def: 35
- Speed: 45
Evolves into Bellibolt by using a Thunder Stone.
Bellibolt has a new Ability, Electromorphosis, which grants the effect of Charge whenever it takes damage from a contact move. This powers up the next damaging Electric-type move it uses.
Wattrel and Kilowattrel
Type: Electric / Flying
Ability: Wind Power / Volt Absorb
Hidden Ability: Competitive
Base Stats:
- HP: 40
- Attack: 40
- Defense: 35
- Sp. Atk: 55
- Sp. Def: 40
- Speed: 70
Evolves at level 25 to Kilowattrel.
Wattrel and Kilowattrel both get access to a new Ability, Wind Power, which grants it Charge status whenever it is hit by a wind-based move, which powers up the next Electric-type move it uses. This includes moves such as Hurricane, Air Cutter, and Air Slash.
Maschiff and Mabosstiff
Type: Dark
Ability: Intimidate / Run Away
Hidden Ability: Stakeout
Base Stats:
- HP: 60
- Attack: 78
- Defense: 60
- Sp. Atk: 40
- Sp. Def: 51
- Speed: 51
Evolves at level 30 to Mabosstiff.
Mabosstiff gets a new Ability, Guard Dog, which boosts its Attack stat if it gets intimidated, and it also prevents moves or effects from forcing it out of battle.
Shroodle and Grafaiai
Type: Poison / Normal
Ability: Unburden / Pickpocket
Hidden Ability: Prankster
Base Stats:
- HP: 40
- Attack: 65
- Defense: 35
- Sp. Atk: 40
- Sp. Def: 35
- Speed: 75
Evolves at level 28 to Grafaiai.
Bramblin and Brambleghast
Type: Grass / Ghost
Ability: Wind Rider
Hidden Ability: Infiltrator
Base Stats:
- HP: 40
- Attack: 65
- Defense: 30
- Sp. Atk: 45
- Sp. Def: 35
- Speed: 60
Evolves after gaining a level and walking 1,000 steps in Let’s Go mode.
Like Pawmo, Bramblin evolves by walking 1,000 steps in Let’s Go mode, which you can activate by pressing ZR, and then having it gain a level (aside from auto-battle). It’s recommended to just walk around inside of a city in a circle for about 2–5 minutes, then you can level it up via normal battling or items like Rare Candies or Exp. Candies.
You can read more about how to accomplish this by reading the strategy outlined for evolving Pawmo earlier in this page.
Toedscool and Toedscruel
Type: Ground / Grass
Ability: Mycelium Might
Base Stats:
- HP: 40
- Attack: 40
- Defense: 35
- Sp. Atk: 50
- Sp. Def: 100
- Speed: 70
Evolves at level 30 to Toedscruel.
Despite appearing similar to Tentacool and Tentacruel, these are not Paldean variants, but are separate species. They have a new Ability, Mycelium Might, which cause them to act slower when using status moves, but these status moves are not affected or prevented by the target’s Ability.
Type: Rock
Ability: Anger Shell / Shell Armor
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Base Stats:
- HP: 70
- Attack: 100
- Defense: 115
- Sp. Atk: 35
- Sp. Def: 55
- Speed: 75
Klawf gets a new Ability, Anger Shell, which raises its Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed by one stage and lowers its Defense and Sp. Def by one stage the first time its HP drops to 50% or lower in battle.
Capsakid and Scovillain
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll / Insomnia
Hidden Ability: Klutz
Base Stats:
- HP: 50
- Attack: 62
- Defense: 40
- Sp. Atk: 62
- Sp. Def: 40
- Speed: 50
Evolves into Scovillain by using a Fire Stone.
Scovillain is a unique Grass/Fire-type, plus it also gets a new move, Spicy Extract, which lowers the target’s Defense by two stages and raises their Attack by two stages, making it useful to use against Special-based attackers.
Rellor and Rabsca
Type: Bug
Ability: Compound Eyes
Hidden Ability: Shed Skin
Base Stats:
- HP: 41
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 60
- Sp. Atk: 31
- Sp. Def: 58
- Speed: 30
Evolves after gaining a level and walking 1,000 steps in Let’s Go mode.
Like Pawmo and Bramblin, Rellor evolves by walking 1,000 steps in Let’s Go mode, which you can activate by pressing ZR, and then having it gain a level (aside from auto-battle). It’s recommended to just walk around inside of a city in a circle for about 2–5 minutes, then you can level it up via normal battling or items like Rare Candies or Exp. Candies.
You can read more about how to accomplish this by reading the strategy outlined for evolving Pawmo earlier in this page.
Flittle and Espathra
Type: Psychic
Ability: Anticipation / Frisk
Hidden Ability: Speed Boost
Base Stats:
- HP: 30
- Attack: 35
- Defense: 30
- Sp. Atk: 55
- Sp. Def: 30
- Speed: 75
Evolves at level 35 to Espathra.
Espathra gets a new Ability, Opportunist, which copies any positive stat changes gained by an opponent in battle. It also has a very powerful new move, Lumina Crash, which it learns upon evolving. It has 80 power and lowers the target’s Sp. Def by two stages, making it very useful in Tera Raid Battles.
Tinkatink, Tinkatuff, and Tinkaton
Type: Fairy / Steel
Ability: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
Hidden Ability: Pickpocket
Base Stats:
- HP: 50
- Attack: 45
- Defense: 45
- Sp. Atk: 35
- Sp. Def: 64
- Speed: 58
Evolves at level 24 to Tinkatuff.
Type: Fairy / Steel
Ability: Mold Breaker / Own Tempo
Hidden Ability: Pickpocket
Base Stats:
- HP: 65
- Attack: 55
- Defense: 55
- Sp. Atk: 45
- Sp. Def: 82
- Speed: 78
Evolves at level 38 to Tinkaton.
Tinkaton learns a new move upon evolution, Gigaton Hammer, which has a high power of 160 but can’t be used on the next turn. Unlike moves like Giga Impact, which prevent the user from attacking at all on the following turn, Tinkaton can still use a different move after using Gigaton Hammer.
Wiglett and Wugtrio
Type: Water
Ability: Gooey / Rattled
Hidden Ability: Sand Veil
Base Stats:
- HP: 10
- Attack: 55
- Defense: 25
- Sp. Atk: 35
- Sp. Def: 25
- Speed: 95
Evolves at level 26 to Wugtrio.
Despite appearing similar to Diglett and Dugtrio, these are not Paldean variants, but are separate species.
Type: Flying / Dark
Ability: Big Pecks / Keen Eye
Hidden Ability: Rocky Payload
Base Stats:
- HP: 70
- Attack: 103
- Defense: 85
- Sp. Atk: 60
- Sp. Def: 85
- Speed: 82
Bombirdier has a new Ability, Rocky Payload, which powers up Rock-type moves. That’s handy, because it does get quite a few that it can make good use of, despite not being Rock-type itself. However, it is only available as a Hidden Ability, meaning you have to find one in a Tera Raid Battle.
Finizen and Palafin
Type: Water
Ability: Water Veil
Base Stats:
- HP: 70
- Attack: 45
- Defense: 40
- Sp. Atk: 45
- Sp. Def: 40
- Speed: 75
Evolves at level 38 to Palafin, but only while in a multiplayer session with another player nearby.
Type: Water
Ability: Zero to Hero
Base Stats:
- HP: 100
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 72
- Sp. Atk: 53
- Sp. Def: 62
- Speed: 100
Yes, Palafin looks almost identical to Finizen. There is actually a small spot on its underside, though.
Palafin’s new, unique Ability, Zero to Hero, transforms it from its fairly regular Zero Form (the initial form) into its ultra-powerful Hero Form after you’ve switched it out in battle. That ramps its Attack stat through the roof and gives it Legendary-tier stats, but you have to first essentially waste a turn switching it out, meaning it isn’t available at the start of a battle.
Varoom and Revavroom
Type: Steel / Poison
Ability: Overcoat
Hidden Ability: Slow Start
Base Stats:
- HP: 45
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 63
- Sp. Atk: 30
- Sp. Def: 45
- Speed: 47
Evolves at level 40 to Revavroom.
Throughout the game, you’ll encounter several special Revavroom used by certain bosses. These have different types and Abilities than standard Revavroom and are uncatchable. Keep that in mind while fighting them, as they will not have the types and Abilities above, but will instead match the type of Pokémon that the boss uses.
Type: Dragon / Normal
Ability: Shed Skin
Hidden Ability: Regenerator
Base Stats:
- HP: 70
- Attack: 95
- Defense: 65
- Sp. Atk: 85
- Sp. Def: 65
- Speed: 121
Despite appearing similar to both Koraidon and Miraidon, it is not possible for Cyclizar to evolve or transform into either of them and is essentially counted as a completely separate Pokémon. There is still some relation to those other two Pokémon, though, although it is something explained during the storyline of the game.
Type: Steel
Ability: Earth Eater
Hidden Ability: Sand Veil
Base Stats:
- HP: 70
- Attack: 85
- Defense: 145
- Sp. Atk: 60
- Sp. Def: 55
- Speed: 65
Orthworm has a powerful new Ability, Earth Eater, which works very well with its Steel-type. Earth Eater gives it an immunity to Ground-type moves and, on top of that, it also heals it whenever it is hit by one, similar to Volt Absorb and Water Absorb.
Glimmet and Glimmora
Type: Rock / Poison
Ability: Toxic Debris
Hidden Ability: Corrosion
Base Stats:
- HP: 48
- Attack: 35
- Defense: 42
- Sp. Atk: 105
- Sp. Def: 60
- Speed: 60
Evolves at level 35 to Glimmora.
Glimmet and Glimmora have a new Ability, Toxic Debris, the spits out a layer of Toxic Spikes whenever it is damaged by a Physical-based attack.
Greavard and Houndstone
Type: Ghost
Ability: Pickup
Hidden Ability: Fluffy
Base Stats:
- HP: 50
- Attack: 61
- Defense: 60
- Sp. Atk: 30
- Sp. Def: 55
- Speed: 34
Evolves at level 30 to Houndstone, but only during nighttime.
Type: Flying / Fighting
Ability: Scrappy / Tangled Feet
Hidden Ability: Costar
Base Stats:
- HP: 82
- Attack: 115
- Defense: 74
- Sp. Atk: 75
- Sp. Def: 64
- Speed: 90
Flamigo is a very strong Pokémon for being available near the beginning of the game. You can pick one up by going to the east of the first town and finding some nearby ruins. Its Hidden Ability, Costar, activates when it is sent out in battle and it copies any stat changes that your other Pokémon have.
Cetoddle and Cetitan
Type: Ice
Ability: Thick Fat / Snow Cloak
Hidden Ability: Sheer Force
Base Stats:
- HP: 108
- Attack: 68
- Defense: 45
- Sp. Atk: 30
- Sp. Def: 40
- Speed: 43
Evolves into Cetitan by using a Ice Stone.
The fact that Cetoddle and Cetitan can have Thick Fat for their Ability is nice, as that removes their Fire-type weakness.
Type: Water / Psychic
Ability: Mold Breaker
Hidden Ability: Sharpness
Base Stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 102
- Defense: 73
- Sp. Atk: 78
- Sp. Def: 65
- Speed: 70
Veluza has Sharpness for its Hidden Ability, which increases the power of any of its slashing moves such as Psycho Cut and Aqua Cutter.
Type: Water
Ability: Unaware / Oblivious
Hidden Ability: Water Veil
Base Stats:
- HP: 150
- Attack: 100
- Defense: 115
- Sp. Atk: 65
- Sp. Def: 65
- Speed: 35
Type: Dragon / Water
Ability: Commander
Hidden Ability: Storm Drain
Base Stats:
- HP: 68
- Attack: 50
- Defense: 60
- Sp. Atk: 120
- Sp. Def: 95
- Speed: 82
Tatsugiri come in three varieties—Curly Form (orange), Droopy Form (pink), and Stretchy Form (yellow). They all have the same stats and Abilites, though. Their Commander Ability is weird as it causes the Pokémon to go inside of a Dondozo that you have on the field if you’re in a Double or Multi Battle and it is able to attack while shielded inside of it.
Frigibax, Arctibax, and Baxcalibur
Type: Dragon / Ice
Ability: Thermal Exchange
Hidden Ability: Ice Body
Base Stats:
- HP: 65
- Attack: 75
- Defense: 45
- Sp. Atk: 35
- Sp. Def: 45
- Speed: 55
Evolves at level 35 to Arctibax.
Type: Dragon / Ice
Ability: Thermal Exchange
Hidden Ability: Ice Body
Base Stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 95
- Defense: 66
- Sp. Atk: 45
- Sp. Def: 65
- Speed: 62
Evolves at level 54 to Baxcalibur.
The Baxcalibur line is the new “pseudo-Legendary” of Scarlet & Violet with a very impressive stat total (600 BST for Baxcalibur). Its new Thermal Exchange Ability raises its Attack when it is hit by a Fire-type move and prevents it from becoming Burned.
Gimmighoul and Gholdengo
Gimmighoul (Chest Form)
Type: Ghost
Ability: Rattled
Base Stats:
- HP: 45
- Attack: 30
- Defense: 70
- Sp. Atk: 75
- Sp. Def: 70
- Speed: 10
Gimmighoul (Roaming Form)
Type: Ghost
Ability: Run Away
Base Stats:
- HP: 45
- Attack: 30
- Defense: 25
- Sp. Atk: 75
- Sp. Def: 45
- Speed: 80
Roaming Form is unavailable in Scarlet & Violet and requires connecting to Pokémon GO after an update in 2023.
Neither form of Gimmighoul learn any moves by leveling up and don’t have many moves they can learn by TM, making them poor additions to your team. They also have a very unusual evolution method—you need to collect 999 Gimmighoul Coins throughout the Paldea region.
You can find Gimmighoul in both its Roaming and Chest Form throughout the Paldea region—when you interact with its Roaming Form by pressing A, you’ll receive a few Gimmighoul Coins but it will run away. If you find its Chest Form, usually on top of abandoned watchtowers, you can fight it in its Chest Form and it will drop a much larger amount of Gimmighoul Coins after catching it or defeating it.
These Gimmighoul have a chance of respawning every real-world day (not in-game day), so you can go back to previous locations you’ve found them in to farm more coins. 999 coins is quite a lot to collect, but at least you can hear little jingling sounds if there is a Roaming Gimmighoul nearby, so as long as you keep your eyes and ears peeled, you’ll pick up a good amount.
Paldean Forms and New Evolutions
There are a total of 4 new Paldean forms for Pokémon, although for just two species, as one has multiple forms. Additionally, quite a few old Pokémon received new evolutions, so they will be listed here as well.
Paldean Tauros
Combat Breed
Type: Fighting
Ability: Intimidate / Anger Point
Hidden Ability: Cud Chew
Base Stats:
- HP: 75
- Attack: 110
- Defense: 105
- Sp. Atk: 30
- Sp. Def: 70
- Speed: 100
Blaze Breed
Type: Fighting / Fire
Ability: Intimidate / Anger Point
Hidden Ability: Cud Chew
Base Stats:
- HP: 75
- Attack: 110
- Defense: 105
- Sp. Atk: 30
- Sp. Def: 70
- Speed: 100
Only available in Pokémon Scarlet.
Tauros comes in three varieties in the Paldea region, although only two of them are natively available in any given game. You’ll find its Combat Breed (standard Paldean Tauros) in both versions, while its Blaze Breed is exclusive to Pokémon Scarlet and its Aqua Breed is exclusive to Pokémon Violet. They have the same stats and Abilities, but have different types depending on their breed.
Paldean Wooper and Clodsire
Paldean Wooper
Type: Poison / Ground
Ability: Poison Point / Water Absorb
Hidden Ability: Unaware
Base Stats:
- HP: 55
- Attack: 45
- Defense: 45
- Sp. Atk: 25
- Sp. Def: 25
- Speed: 15
Evolves at level 20 to Clodsire.
Type: Fighting / Ghost
Ability: Vital Spirit / Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Base Stats:
- HP: 110
- Attack: 115
- Defense: 80
- Sp. Atk: 50
- Sp. Def: 90
- Speed: 90
Evolves from Primeape after using Rage Fist (learned at level 35 as Primeape) a total of 20 times.
Type: Normal
Ability: Serene Grace / Run Away
Hidden Ability: Rattled
Base Stats:
- HP: 125
- Attack: 100
- Defense: 80
- Sp. Atk: 85
- Sp. Def: 75
- Speed: 55
Evolves from Dunsparce after gaining a level while it knows the move Hyper Drill (learned at level 32 as Dunsparce). There is a rare chance of it turning into Three-Segment Form instead of Two-Segment Form when it evolves, where it has an extra body segment (not shown in the party icon), although this does not affect its stats.
Type: Normal / Psychic
Ability: Cud Chew / Armor Tail
Hidden Ability: Sap Sipper
Base Stats:
- HP: 120
- Attack: 90
- Defense: 70
- Sp. Atk: 110
- Sp. Def: 70
- Speed: 60
Evolves from Girafarig after gaining a level while it knows the move Twin Beam (learned at level 32 as Girafarig).
Type: Dark / Steel
Ability: Defiant / Supreme Overlord
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Base Stats:
- HP: 100
- Attack: 135
- Defense: 120
- Sp. Atk: 60
- Sp. Def: 85
- Speed: 50
Evolves from Bisharp while holding the Leader’s Crest item and then knocking out three Bisharp in battle. Its new Supreme Overlord Ability increases the damage it does for each of your fainted Pokémon on your team.
Paradox Pokémon
There are special, version-exclusive Pokémon that are referred to as “Paradox Pokémon” and are very mysterious. These are Pokémon that resemble an existing species, but are quite a bit different, and typically much stronger.
To avoid spoiling these unusual Pokémon for you, these Paradox Pokémon are contained in a separate, dedicated page, which you can find below:
Koraidon and Miraidon
The “box Legendary” Pokémon of Scarlet & Violet, Koraidon and Miraidon are powerful Pokémon that travel along with you throughout your adventure. You get Koraidon in Scarlet and Miraidon in Violet.
You’ll be able to ride around them starting fairly early on in the game, and can eventually upgrade their movement and exploration abilities as you progress through the Titan’s Path storyline arc with Arven. Despite this, you won’t be able to use them in battle until near the end of the game.
You can find out more about these two Pokémon, along with their stats and types, on their dedicated page:
Legendary Pokémon
In addition to the version mascot Pokémon, Koraidon and Miraidon, there are also four more new Legendary Pokémon that can be found after beating the overall story of the game and seeing the credits.
To avoid spoiling these, details on these Pokémon, as well as how to encounter them, are listed on the following page: