Some of the most helpful features here on the Marriland website are a bunch of really useful tools that will help you in your Pokémon games! You can find all of them down below, plus there are more that will be worked on as time goes on.
Marriland’s Pokémon Team Builder

Marriland’s Pokémon Team Builder is perhaps the most popular and useful tool I’ve built. You can input a team of up to six Pokémon and then the Team Builder will spit out a table showing your entire team’s weaknesses and resistances to every single type, as well as a total number of weaknesses and resistances your team share for each type, making it very easy to spot any glaring holes in your team’s defensive coverage and helping you build better teams—hence the name. Now compatible with Pokémon Scarlet & Violet!
IV Calculator

The purpose of an IV Calculator is to help determine the IVs — Individual Values — for your Pokémon so you can see if they have good or bad IVs. The Marriland IV Calculator can be used to help calculate your Pokémon’s IVs.
By inputting your Pokémon’s stats and then reentering them every few levels, you’ll be able to pinpoint what IVs your Pokémon has. Very useful for competitive breeding or for trying to get specific Hidden Power types on Pokémon. Should now be compatible for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet!
Thanks to Matan Botansky for help with its creation.
Scarlet & Violet EV Counter Tools

Although this is not currently its own independent tool, there are a collection of EV Counter Tools for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet that can be found within the EV Training Guide. These are available for each of the six stats and makes counting your EVs as you EV Train your Pokémon very easy.
Stat Calculator
Sometimes it’s nice to see what a Pokémon’s actual, in-game stats will be at any given level with whatever IVs, EVs, and Natures you’d like, so that’s why having a Stat Calculator tool will be very useful for helping figure this information out.
This tool has not yet started development, but will be available sometime in the future!
More Tools Coming
There are plenty more tools in the works, but they aren’t going to be finished for a bit. Sorry about that, but I hope you’ll look forward to them!