Category: Cotton Bloom Pokémon
Type: Grass
Height: 1’8″
Weight: 5.5 lbs.
Ability: Cotton Down or Regenerator
Eldegoss is a new evolved Grass-type Pokémon that was first revealed on June 5, 2019. Despite having evolved from Gossifleur, it’s still pretty small. It also has a new ability: Cotton Down, which lowers the Speed stat of other Pokémon in the battle when it is hit by an attack.
Eldegoss’ Evolution Line

Eldegoss evolves from Gossifleur at level 20.
More Information About Eldegoss
Eldegoss’ head becomes covered in a white, cotton fluff upon evolving, which cushions it from damage and also stores nutritious seeds. These seeds are beneficial to people and Pokémon alike and part of the reason Galar’s soil is rich in nutrients is due to the seeds Eldegoss spreads around.
Gym Leader Milo uses an Eldegoss that is capable of Dynamaxing.
You can find out even more information on Eldegoss over on the site’s Pokémon Sword & Shield Pokédex page for Eldegoss:
Screenshots of Eldegoss
Below are several assorted screenshots of Eldegoss that have been revealed in trailers or official press shots.