Over the course of your adventure in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, you’ll run into unusual Pokémon. During the Path of Legends story arc, where you team up with Arven to take down Titan Pokémon, one of the Titan Pokémon you fight is actually one of these so-called Paradox Pokémon.
In Pokémon Scarlet, you fight against the Titan Great Tusk, while in Pokémon Violet you fight against the Titan Iron Treads instead. If you don’t want to be spoiled any further on what these Pokémon are, you might not want to look further below until you’ve seen the credits of the game! (Although, don’t worry, I will still try to keep a lot of the major plot points unspoiled.)
After clearing the main three storyline arcs, you’ll venture into Area Zero and will find more of those mysterious Pokémon.
It turns out that some of these Pokémon are actually from the distant past while some are from the distant future instead. If you’re playing Pokémon Scarlet, all of your available Paradox Pokémon will be past Pokémon while in Pokémon Violet they are all future Pokémon instead. These are all version-exclusive, so you’ll need to trade with the other version to get ones unavailable to you.
Past Paradox Pokémon (Scarlet)
All Paradox Pokémon from the past are exclusive to Pokémon Scarlet. They also all have the new Ability Protosynthesis, which raises the Pokémon’s best stat during sunny weather or if the Pokémon holds a special item called the Booster Energy.
Great Tusk
Type: Ground / Fighting
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 115
- Attack: 131
- Defense: 131
- Sp. Atk: 53
- Sp. Def: 53
- Speed: 87
Great Tusk appears to be an ancient form of Donphan.
Scream Tail
Type: Fairy / Psychic
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 115
- Attack: 65
- Defense: 99
- Sp. Atk: 65
- Sp. Def: 115
- Speed: 111
Scream Tail appears to be an ancient form of Jigglypuff.
Brute Bonnet
Type: Grass / Dark
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 111
- Attack: 127
- Defense: 99
- Sp. Atk: 79
- Sp. Def: 99
- Speed: 55
Brute Bonnet appears to be an ancient form of Amoonguss.
Flutter Mane
Type: Ghost / Fairy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 55
- Attack: 55
- Defense: 55
- Sp. Atk: 135
- Sp. Def: 135
- Speed: 135
Flutter Mane appears to be an ancient form of Misdreavus.
Slither Wing
Type: Bug / Fighting
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 115
- Attack: 135
- Defense: 79
- Sp. Atk: 85
- Sp. Def: 105
- Speed: 81
Slither Wing appears to be an ancient form of Volcarona.
Sandy Shocks
Type: Electric / Ground
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 85
- Attack: 81
- Defense: 97
- Sp. Atk: 121
- Sp. Def: 85
- Speed: 101
Sandy Shocks appears to be an ancient form of Magneton.
Roaring Moon
Type: Dragon / Dark
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 105
- Attack: 139
- Defense: 71
- Sp. Atk: 55
- Sp. Def: 101
- Speed: 119
Roaring Moon appears to be an ancient form of Salamence.
Walking Wake
Type: Water / Dragon
Ability: Protosynthesis
Base Stats:
- HP: 99
- Attack: 83
- Defense: 91
- Sp. Atk: 125
- Sp. Def: 83
- Speed: 109
Walking Wake is a newly-added Paradox Pokémon that was first made available after the Scarlet & Violet 1.2.0 update patch. It resembles a prehistoric Suicune, standing on its lizardlike hindlegs. Upon release, it was only available in 5-star Tera Raids in Pokémon Scarlet from February 27, 2023 through March 12, 2023. During this time, only one could be caught and it was unavailable as a Shiny Pokémon.
Future Paradox Pokémon (Violet)
All Paradox Pokémon from the future are exclusive to Pokémon Violet. They also all have the new Ability Quark Drive, which raises the Pokémon’s best stat during Electric Terrain or if the Pokémon holds a special item called the Booster Energy.
Iron Treads
Type: Ground / Steel
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 112
- Defense: 120
- Sp. Atk: 72
- Sp. Def: 70
- Speed: 106
Iron Treads appears to be a futuristic form of Donphan.
Iron Bundle
Type: Ice / Water
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 56
- Attack: 80
- Defense: 114
- Sp. Atk: 124
- Sp. Def: 60
- Speed: 136
Iron Bundle appears to be a futuristic form of Delibird.
Iron Hands
Type: Fighting / Electric
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 154
- Attack: 140
- Defense: 108
- Sp. Atk: 50
- Sp. Def: 68
- Speed: 50
Iron Hands appears to be a futuristic form of Hariyama.
Iron Jugulis
Type: Dark / Flying
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 94
- Attack: 80
- Defense: 86
- Sp. Atk: 122
- Sp. Def: 80
- Speed: 108
Iron Jugulis appears to be a futuristic form of Hydreigon.
Iron Moth
Type: Fire / Poison
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 80
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 60
- Sp. Atk: 140
- Sp. Def: 110
- Speed: 110
Iron Moth appears to be a futuristic form of Volcarona.
Iron Thorns
Type: Rock / Electric
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 100
- Attack: 134
- Defense: 110
- Sp. Atk: 70
- Sp. Def: 84
- Speed: 72
Iron Thorns appears to be a futuristic form of Tyranitar.
Iron Valiant
Type: Fairy / Fighting
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 74
- Attack: 130
- Defense: 90
- Sp. Atk: 120
- Sp. Def: 60
- Speed: 116
Iron Valiant appears to be a futuristic form of Gallade.
Iron Leaves
Type: Grass / Psychic
Ability: Quark Drive
Base Stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 130
- Defense: 88
- Sp. Atk: 70
- Sp. Def: 108
- Speed: 104
Iron Leaves is a newly-added Paradox Pokémon that was first made available after the Scarlet & Violet 1.2.0 update patch. It resembles a futuristic Virizion. Upon release, it was only available in 5-star Tera Raids in Pokémon Scarlet from February 27, 2023 through March 12, 2023. During this time, only one could be caught and it was unavailable as a Shiny Pokémon.